
Team836 Blog Tutorial

January 24, 2020

This is H1

This is H2

This is H3

I recommend to use only h1 ~ h3

This is paragraph

Another paragraph

This is a blockquote

// You can also include code blocks
console.log('Hello World')

inline code block is helful when you emphasize things.

Col 1 Col2
You can make a table Like this


Publishing a new post

Under content/blog You can create a new directory or just a single markdown file for a new post. The name should be written in param-case of your post’s title. For example, when you write a new post which title is ‘Hello World’, name a directory or a single markdown file as ‘hello-world’.

Name markdown file as ‘index.md’ when you create a directory.

blog /
  new-post-title /

After adding new posts, push to the git origin and run the script below.

Make sure to push all the commits and clear the git status before deploying.

% npm run deploy


You should follow the template to make it work properly.